2024 Elections: Modi Vs the “domestic incumbents” Mohamed El-Erian warns us about

https://www.project-syndicate.org/onpoint/india-must-manage-its-own-growing-global-systemic-importance-by-mohamed-a-el-erian-and-michael-spence-2024-03 Quite in contrast to the usual and steady stream of anti-India output we all know emanates from the ingrained bias, condescension and negative propaganda of the western media and Anglo-Saxon academia, this article by Mohamed El-Erian & Michael Spence seems in comparison almost like an, anodyne advisory —- friendly, well-intentioned and cautionary. There isContinue reading “2024 Elections: Modi Vs the “domestic incumbents” Mohamed El-Erian warns us about”

“Yathaa raaja thatha praja”: Is Ostentatious Religiosity harmless or toxic?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is so creative as a politician come election time. Last time general elections were held in 2019, he went to Dhyaan Kutia cave in the Himalaya ranges of Kedarnath and sat there in “dhyaana” pose, Buddha-like pictures of which went viral right across the media space , within and outside India.Continue reading ““Yathaa raaja thatha praja”: Is Ostentatious Religiosity harmless or toxic?”

“India’s Feet of Clay” in “Foreign Affairs”: Ramachandra Guha is Sir Bedivere to Nehruvian King Arthur

If any self-respecting Indian were to read this article written by Ramachandra Guha in latest issue of “FOREIGN AFFAIRS” , he or she would wonder if it is not exactly what Mahatma Gandhi had in mind when he wrote that Katherine Mayo’s book on “Mother India” was not really history but “a drain inspector’s report”.Continue reading ““India’s Feet of Clay” in “Foreign Affairs”: Ramachandra Guha is Sir Bedivere to Nehruvian King Arthur”

Was PM Narendra Modi right in invoking the Sudama and Krishna metaphor ?

I do not agree with Ritesh Sharma’s view below ⬇️  I think what PM Modi really meant was that ordinary people who were able to make anonymously small contributions to political parties in India under the Electoral Bond Scheme EBS  have now lost that means of exercising even a modicum of popular influence on politicalContinue reading “Was PM Narendra Modi right in invoking the Sudama and Krishna metaphor ?”

The Supreme Court has outlawed the Electoral Bond Scheme : Will Modi now walk the talk ?

Do we all remember Anna Hazare’s short lived mass movement not so long ago against Corruption in political life ? Why did Anna Hazare catch the imagination of the people —- even if only very briefly — when he launched his anti corruption movement ? Election funding in our country today is the fountainhead ofContinue reading “The Supreme Court has outlawed the Electoral Bond Scheme : Will Modi now walk the talk ?”

India Middle East Europe Connectivity Corridor, paved with “Vishwa guru” ambitions?

The day after the New Delhi G20 Summit ended yesterday, the world media has gone agog over the announcement of the India Middle East Europe Connectivity Corridor (IMEECC)! Hyperboles are flying around hail it as the signal of a new emerging world order about to “overcome many geopolitical hurdles.” Here is a one sample ofContinue reading “India Middle East Europe Connectivity Corridor, paved with “Vishwa guru” ambitions?”

Both the Treasury and Opposition benches are guilty of grossly disrespecting the institution of Parliament

What we as countrymen watched in Parliament in the past week was nothing but pathetic farce played out by both the Government and Opposition benches. When it all ended, of course, the former could crow about its victory — how M/s Amit Shah and Narendra Modi combined to vanquish the entire Opposition. But it’s aContinue reading “Both the Treasury and Opposition benches are guilty of grossly disrespecting the institution of Parliament”

Why is sauce for Nehru’s goose not sauce for Modi’s gander?

Progress in such a complicated matter has to be necessarily slow and incremental.  Maybe a beginning can be made with divorce laws, succession and inheritance laws.  Even here legislation should not be rushed through Parliament without discussions.  Otherwise, such legislation will meet the fate of the farm laws. —- a common citizen’s quote to meContinue reading “Why is sauce for Nehru’s goose not sauce for Modi’s gander?”

The “Biden-Modi Agreement”: Over-ambitious equestrian acrobatics?

Prime Minister Modi is in the USA today ! And over the next few days INDIA and USA are expected to sign landmark long-term agreements which will commit the latter to unprecedented defence and trade ties favouring the former. India is said to be on the cusp of a so-called “heralding of a totally newContinue reading “The “Biden-Modi Agreement”: Over-ambitious equestrian acrobatics?”

“The Economist” (UK) on America’s new best friend, INDIA

Here’s my own take on this editorial published in the latest issue of of The Economist UK : (please scroll right down to read the reproduced piece) 1. The title should have been rephrased as “ America’s new best fair-weather friend”. 2. India is certainly more democratic and far less liberal than the West. Why?Continue reading ““The Economist” (UK) on America’s new best friend, INDIA”